Let's enhance a simple acne protocol with these treatments!
What are some ways we can incorporate something new into a facial protocol?
1. Mask Cocktails *aka "Zone Therapy"
2. Dr. Jacquet Massage
Check out this video explaining the advanced technique Zone Therapy.
Let's say my client has dehydration and acne. If you followed along with last week's Work With Me Wednesday post, you'll remember the order of operations when it comes to the skin for long-term results.
The simple answer to addressing both concerns is applying a hydrating mask to all dehydration and an acne mask as a spot treatment to the acne lesions.
Where in the facial can I complete this step?
Add it to the masking step! No need to change anything up or substitute for anything.
My client loves massage but I know acne isn't supposed to be massaged over. What should I do?